Actress Mandy Moore shared exciting family news this morning. The This Is Us star is expecting her second child with her husband Taylor Goldsmith. The announcement comes on the heels of the series finale of This Is Us, which Mandy noted in her announcement writing, “One incredibly seminal chapter of my life just ended and the next one, as a mother of two, is about to start.”
“Are we ever so deeply grateful and excited,” the singer wrote in her post. Mandy shared an image of her son Gus, whom she welcomed in February 2021, wearing a t-shirt that read “big brother.” Mandy gushed “Gus is gonna be the BEST big brother!!” The “In Real Life” singer revealed that her second child is a boy and he will be making his arrival this fall.
Mandy and Taylor’s first child Gus’s full name is August Harrison. After his arrival, the couple revealed the inspiration behind his name. “It was last August when [Taylor] and I found out we were having a boy (it’s also Taylor’s birth month) and we always loved the name… so it was settled very early on in our book.”
The Tangled star has been very open about her life as a mom. To commemorate National Breastfeeding Week last August, she candidly opened up about her journey. For Mother’s Day this year, Mandy shared a sentimental post about being a mom. “Being your mom is nothing short of the most rewarding and challenging job I’ll ever have. I savor all of it because you are the greatest, Goose, AND it keeps getting better (as everyone told us).”
Congratulations to Mandy and Taylor on the news of their second child! We wish them all the best as they prepare to grow their family.